Subj : Problems with my Yaesu 1000 MP To : All From : Al Kaiser Date : Tue May 15 2018 10:22 am I had to send my "beloved" Yaesu 1000 MP off for repair to a person in CA. The Hi SWR light comes on on trasmit. It is not the antennas in fact even into a perfect Dummy Load it says Hi SWR. Also I notice the Class A switch does not lower the output to 75 Watts. It remains the same. But it did have full power out. The repair person thinks that the ATU is at fault. Perhaps a faulty relay. He does not think it is in the final amplifier. I took it down to Fed Ex and they wanted $475.00 + to ship it!!!. The Fed Ex customer phone service said $375.00 sill MUCH more than I expected. UPS was able to do it for $270.00 still higher than I expected maybe I over insureded it. I had to ship both the radio and external power supply. CT to CA. I had the inner boxes so they had to supply an outer box with padding. I'm amazed the dealers like HRO can offer Free Shpping on items of this size and weight on the larger Yaesu, Icom and Kenwood radios and amplifiers. They must have one hell of a deal to not have to "eat" $250.00+ in profit by offering free shipping. Looking on eBay I see most that are selling radio like this are charging $49.95 for shipping anywhere in the US. Not sure how they are getting this rate. Are they eating almost $200.00 in profit? EIther that or it's minimally packed. If anyone has any input on this I would sure like to hear it. Mayby I missed something at UPS that would have saved me $100.00 or more in shipping charges. I'll have to see what the person repairing the radio charges me for return shiping then ask him how he does it if it is lower thean mine, (a private technician), - Yaesu won't service that radio anymore nor will they even give advise on possible problems or recommend a repair facility. I already miss the radio and it just went off yesterday. I was able to borrow an FT1000-MP Field while mine is out. -=> Al Kaiser <=- Cheers! Al Kaiser - Meriden, CT, 15-May-2018 at 10:23. Fido : 1:142/926 - Internet : ..!. If I railfan 1 more time my wife will leave me! Boy I'll miss her! --- Terminate 5.00/Pro * Origin: Life Sucks and then you die! (1:142/926) .