Subj : Re: BBS over Ham Radio To : Ed Vance From : Al Kaiser Date : Tue Jul 24 2018 09:13 am Ed Vance wrote to Supa_Scoopa Subject: Re: BBS over Ham Radio EV> In the late 1970's there were some Hams in the Louisville, EV> Kentucky & Southern Indiana area who operated AFSK BAUDOT and ASCII EV> Radioteletype BBS's on Two Meters using their Apple ][ and Atari EV> PC's. I ran a 20 meter mailbox system for many years after I got into ham radio in 1979. I started in the 80's some time using the HAL DSR-3100, (Later the HAL DSK-3100 when they added a discs drive. I was called an MSO, which stood for Message Storage Option. It was a store and forward system. I was on 20 meters about 14.0875 If I remember correctly. You would get on with your RTTY System and type MSOAPI. My system would come one, welcome you, and you could read and store messages. Sort of like a simple Packet BBS. There were a number of us on frequency, so you could leave a message on my machine for a friend who you did not have propagation to, he could check in read the mesages and leave you a reply. You could write and erase your messges. I also put the ARRL Bulletins in and other messages of interest that you could read but only I could erase. It was a great group of guys and we had other MSOs on from SD, IL, FL, Guatamala and even a few in Europe. the HAL Corporation was and still is located in Urbana, IL. HAL was also the name of the computer in 2001 Space Oddesy built in, yes, Urban, IL, But Bill Henry always claimed that his company pre dateed the 1868 movie by 10 years. Not sure if Bill sill owns HAL, Bill is also a ham radio op, (I forgot his call). Fun times back then RTTY was and stll it my favorite digital mode. -73- -=> Al Kaiser <=- Stay Healthy 'n Wealthy! Al Kaiser - Meriden, CT, 24-Jul-2018 at 9:13. Fido : 1:142/926 - Internet : ..!. Why is it called a bathing suit? You don't take a bath in it. --- Terminate 5.00/Pro * Origin: Terminate + SmartNote + Internet = Simply the best! (1:142/926) .