Subj : A Little History Lesson To : Daryl Stout From : Ed Vance Date : Tue Nov 27 2018 10:11 pm 11-24-18 16:21 Daryl Stout wrote to CHARLES STEPHENSON about A Little History Lesson Howdy! Daryl, DS> @MSGID: <> DS> @REPLY: <> DS> Charles, CS>I'd like to hear some history and personal comments about it, I'm really CS>curious! DS> I got into it originally for Skywarn Severe Weather operations in DS> 1991, when the FCC removed the Morse Code requirement (5 wpm exam) for DS> the Technician Class license. DS> In 2000, the FCC reduced the Morse Code Requirement to just 5 WPM for DS> the Technician Plus (Technician with 5 wpm code exam credit), the DS> General, and the Amateur Extra (it was originally 13 WPM for the DS> General and Advanced, and 20 WPM for Amateur Extra). In 2007, the FCC DS> removed the Morse Code requirement altogether. People are learning the DS> Morse Code now because they WANT to...and NOT because they HAVE to. I've seen You mention "People are learning the Morse Code now because they WANT to...and NOT because they HAVE to" before and I was wondering where You read about that? I don't have a subscription to QST and haven't went to the Library to read it for many years. I like reading the Amateur Radio Newsline that You and Others post in Amateur Radio BBS Echos to learn what is happening in/to Ham Radio. I appreciate when Other Hams write about things they know about in BBS echos too. I could listen to the ARRL CW Bulletins like I use to do, but I can read them in a Ham Echo the next day. .... !neercs eht fo kcab eht morf skool enilgat a woh si sihT --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105) .