Subj : Re: BBS'ing and HAM Radio To : Holger Granholm From : Ed Vance Date : Thu Dec 06 2018 01:47 pm 12-04-18 10:52 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: BBS'ing and HAM adio Howdy! Holger, HG> @MSGID: <> HG> In a message on 12-03-18 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm: HG> GE Ed, GA Sam, HG> When I had it going the local club decided to close down the packet HG> radio system. Consequently I added a microphone and speaker amplifiers HG> and had a 70cm transceiver. EV> I was wondering if the circuit used IC's or XSISTORS only or did it EV> have Vacuum Tubes in it? HG> It's completely solid state with, IIRC, one IC programmed for channels HG> and frequencies and another IC plus transistors. On the additional HG> board for mic/AF amplifier two more IC's. In my previous message I asked if the audio for Your RIG was AM, in thinking about it I remembered when I used 2 M Packet my RIG was set for FM. Duh. Sorry for the dumb question earlier. EV> Is the Schematic for it on some Web Site? HG> It certainly is but right off hand I don't recall if the source was the HG> german CQ DL or UKW Berichte (english VHF Communications). O.K. Thanks. HG> I usually prefer the german version if the publisher is in Germany HG> aince I get the contents faster than awaiting the translated english HG> version. That's good!, I'd figure the Part Numbers on the Schematic would be easy to understand since (I think) all electronic parts from manufacturers in European Countries would use the same Standard Markings. A long time ago I was listening on 2 Meters and heard someone talking about needing some Tubes/Valves for a product that didn't have U.S.A. Markings on the Tubes. I broke in and asked him to wait while I found my 1959 Allied Radio catalog, because I remembered seeing some Mullard Tubes in it had both Tube Numbers. The catalog had most of the tubes that He needed to get. I always try to be a good LID . . EV> I ain't built any circuits for ages but I would like to see the EV> Schematic for the Rig You built for packet radio, and later added EV> Audio to it (for A.M. I suppose?). HG> I certainly do have the magazine that contained the description if I HG> only knew which one it was. I'll send you a note when/if I stumble on HG> it Don't get in a hurry on my account, there's too many other things You need to do instead of thumbing through old magazines. Would the Magazines December issue include a Yearly Index? I can't read German but I'm going to add to my ROUNDTUIT list to Search on DuckDuckGo for the URL for the CQ DL and UKW Beriche magazines. HG> GN . ... 73 _.. . Sam, OH0NC HG> aka Holger .... --- .-.. --. . .-. Thanks for the CW. Last month in another BBS Network echo on this BBS I noticed some CW in the Signature of a message, so I wrote a message to let the fellow know that I saw the CW that said the Name of His BBS in His message. My next message to You has Daves Reply for You to see how He used CW in His Signature Line. HG> .. Accuracy is our watchword -- we never make misteaks. DIT DAAAAAH DIT 73 de Ed W9ODR . . .... !knoH if you understand Lexdysia... --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105) .