Subj : Re: BBS'ing and HAM Radio To : Tony Langdon From : Charles Stephenson Date : Wed Jun 19 2019 04:20 pm On Jun 14th 11:00 pm Tony Langdon said... TL> TL> This time of year, my focus is on general fitness - strength, power, TL> endurance, flexibility, while doing enough speed work to maintail my TL> basic skills, without being overtaxing. I also have to regularly work on TL> acceleration repition, because that is the weak part of my race, despite TL> having more power than average. So far, repetition is my friend there. TL> TL> You wouldn't be the first who's asked for my help, or that I've given TL> help to with their fitness. :) TL> I dunno WHAT happened with that last message I sent, it got all kinda ways wacky! I've been making a conscience effort on my health. It was easier in my 20's! now almost hitting 50, if I want to live satisfying live I've had to make it more of my routine. I actually been losing weight over the last 2 months. I feel healthier! --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.10-alpha (linux; x64; 10.15.2) * Origin: The Amiga Frontier BBS || OH (1:226/16) .