Subj : Re: Packet Radio To : ANDREI KOPANCHUK From : Daryl Stout Date : Thu Jan 16 2020 02:08 am Hi, Andrei... AK>I am familiar with Bob, NS2B from Penfiel, he runs BBS, CHAT and NODE. AK>Every sunday evening net (9-10 pm), stations from IN, MI, WI. I have a file on my BBS, and in my D-Rats Folder called The PCL Net.PDF with info on the net, for those who are interested. I'm also the "scribe" for the net. When the BBS was at its original home, the now former N0KFQ BBS in Branson, Missouri (the Sysop, N0KFQ, and his XYL, KB0WSA, who was NCS, are both SK's now), one night, there was what I call "The E.D. Net". The Readers Digest version of this (we're all typing at our keyboards) is as follows: 1) Discussion of my new vanity call at that time (WX1DER), and vanity callsigns in general. I was originally N5VLZ, holding that call for 18 years, then changed to AE5WX. Two and a half years later, I changed to WX1DER, then nearly a year ago (after getting burned out on weather, which got me into ham radio), I changed it to WX4QZ, which is a keeper. 2) One ham, named Ed, KI0HQ, wanted K0ED, but it was taken by a ham in California. He typed "I'm married, and E.D. is not an issue". 3) Another ham, Roger, KB0SON, thought E.D. stood for "electronic doofus" (hi hi). Now, I can relate to that, as electronics was never my forte'. I can tell you the colors on a resistor (thanks to Violet (hi hi)), a battery on a schematic diagram, and that not even an amp of electricity will kill you...but that's about it. 4) It got to K.O., N0KFQ, and all he typed was "I'm curious as to how Ed is going to explain E.D. to Roger". At this point, I'm roaring in laughter. 5) Billie, KB0WSA, turned it back to Ed, who typed to Billie "Do you know Morse Code??" She typed "Yes, and I know a lot of other things as well"!! (hi hi). I was really busting a gut now, practically peeing on myself!! As Ed typed "erectile dysfunction" (common for males as they get older), I'll bet Roger was red faced!! A year after Billie's death, K.O. was still alive (he died 2 years after Billie did), and he was on a net that night. He typed "it was so refreshing to hear about that again...and it happened EXACTLY the way Daryl told it"!! (hi hi). Which proves "With friends like us, you don't need any enemies" (hi hi). Daryl, WX4QZ * OLX 1.53 * Software never has bugs. It just develops random features --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (1:19/33) .