Subj : RE: KC1RGS Intro To : Lon J Seidman From : debian Date : Sun Oct 23 2022 04:41 pm Welcome to the hobby! I have been licensed since 2015 (Tech as well, but studying for General as I speak - taking a break ;) ). I too have a 991A and the thing has been a solid trooper thus far! I think you will be quite happy with that radio. My first was a Baofent UV-5R that was given to me as a gift by another ham after passing my tech license. For me, I use VHF for local nets and emcomms and HF is for the fun stuff! I just recently stumbled across some 300 baud packet activity on 14.102MHz and found >20 active BBSes transmitting their station beacon. My license does not permit me to transmit on the 30 and 25 meter bands, so this gave me the kick in the butt I needed to start studying again! Presently, I am tuned in to 14.074 and listening to 10 - 15 stations transmitting FT8. I have amassed several radios at this point - I still my my UV-5R, I also have a Yaesu FT-3D, FT-2900R, and recently a Yaesu FT-991A. I still find it amazing that the FT-991A works on Windows 98 via USB. I don't think Windows 95 had USB audio drivers, so that is out of the question. If you have a TNC and an appropriate cable, then this thing will work all the way back to DOS. I did use my Commodore 64 for some of the local packet BBSes, but the C64 didn't work with CP437 graphics - none of G8MNYs messages would display properly. I have several computers with various amateur radio software that I have been using with the 991A. Just the other day, I resurrected my RPi 4 and am using the 991A with it now. A few months back, I got a National NC-57 which is a communications receiver from about 1946. Will receive broadcast AM all the way up to 6 meters. Needs the usual recapping and realignment, will be a project for winter! 73, and look forward to ragchewing in the future! KG7UJH How ya gonna do it? PS/2 it! --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64) * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (1:154/154) .