Subj : Re: Packet To : Alan Beck From : Ray Quinn Date : Sun May 14 2023 09:53 am Hello Alan! 02 May 23 11:05, you wrote to all: AB> //Hello All,// AB> Packet radio BBSes are only for confirmed Ham radio operators. it is AB> of and about ham radio for hams. I run the SJVBBS (San Joaquin Valley BBS) located at 7575 feet abpve sea level on 145.090 and 441.500 (1200 bps). The site is about 7200 feet above the local area (the aforementioned valley). We are using Ubiquiti microwave radio links in the 5 ghz amateur band for links to the home QTH, about 37 miles. We have backup links, also using Ubiquiti radios. but these make a stop off at another repeater site. The SJVBBS call sign is W6RAY-4 on RF and W6RAY-3 on NETROM. I currently have only two forwarding partners; one here in California, and another in south Texas, all via Internet, the latter via AMPRnet (AMateur Packet Radio net), or 44Net. AB> Usually you need to come in from RF, all I have are 1000 packet AB> messages from the internet links from 3 other BBSes. SJVBBS is, of course, available locally via RF, but also via the Internet, or more precisely, AMPRnet. I don't know how many messages I have online, but they go back years. As I mentioned earlier, I have two forwarding partners, but I am always looking for more. AB> Software is BPQ. I am running JNOS ( on Linux with two KPC3+ TNCs. There is one keyboard node (BLACK:W6SLO-6) across the valley near San Luis Obispo where through which some of the local users there connect. AB> I check it every day or so. That is the goal, but doesn't always work out that way. I also run an online Synchronet BBS, so, along with work, limits my time. Not to mention the local radio club. AB> All I do is get on the bbs by typing bbs at the first prompt, then AB> "lm" for list mine to get my personal maail. I use Outpost Packet Message Manager ( to connect via telnet or RF to send and receive messages. I can also use SSH to connect to the server and telnet in "locally." (Can't use SSH over RF, encryption.) 73 de W6RAY Ray Quinn Visalia, CA DM06II Ham Shack Hotline 4655 If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left handed people are in their right mind. --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Ray's Road Node | Somewhere in California. (1:214/23) .