Subj : alive To : Jay Harris From : Daniel Path Date : Wed Dec 07 2022 09:54 pm Hello Jay, 03 Dec 22 21:06, you wrote to Rick Smith: JH> *** Quoting Rick Smith from a message to All *** RS>> @MSGID: 1:105/10 638bed47 RS>> @CHRS: UTF-82 RS>> @TZUTC: -0800 RS>> @PATH 105/10 81 229/426 664 RS>> Greetings All! RS>> is this echo alive at all? RS>> ---- Regards, RS>> Rick Smith (Nitro) RS>> ... TAGLINE A BBS addict is hooked when: you consider BBSing RS>> better than chocolat --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: RS>> ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>> (1:105/10) JH> Got you here. Though this is the first message I've received in this JH> echo. last conversation was in February :) Regards, -- dp -=>> telnet:// <<=- .... 11:48pm up 19 days, 18:09:09, load: 89 processes, 294 threads. --- GoldED/2 * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52) .