Subj : mail not tossing To : Rick Smith From : Oli Date : Fri Jan 06 2023 05:47 pm Rick wrote (2023-01-06): RS> Friday January 06 2023 16:09, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!: RS> I did, no not needed as it turns out. Still wouldnt work however. So I RS> made just a mail script and tried to have bink call that, still not RS> working RS> 06 Jan 14:30:01 [59431] executing `/usr/local/bin/mail-toss' RS> - 06 Jan 14:30:01 [59431] rc=17664 RS> However I can run mail-toss from anywhere and it works... bizarre. Show us your script. Do you have a shebang line in mail-toos?, like #! /bin/sh or #! /bin/bash Because the script would work without it from the shell, but might not work if it is executed by another process. --- * Origin: War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. (2:280/464.47) .