Subj : mail not tossing To : Rick Smith From : Oli Date : Sun Jan 08 2023 12:30 pm Rick wrote (2023-01-05): RS> 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] Running nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt toss afix RS> 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] executing `nice -n 19 /usr/local/bin/hpt toss RS> afix' 05 Jan 06:42:59 [46710] rc=17664 Btw, how does this exit code happen? Is the script / hpt really returning this value or is it some weirdness in binkd? (I don't know if values > 255 can be returned at all). --- * Origin: War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. (2:280/464.47) .