Subj : mail not tossing To : Rick Smith From : Michael Dukelsky Date : Sun Jan 22 2023 08:20 pm Hello Rick, Sunday January 22 2023, Rick Smith wrote to Michael Dukelsky: MD>> Everything looks good in the log I've received from you. So, when MD>> you run the script manually, it works. And what happens if you MD>> put the following line to your binkd config: exec MD>> "/usr/local/bin/hpt -c /path/to/hpt/config toss afix" MD>> /mystic/echomail/in/*.[STFWMstfwm][ouaherOUAHER][0-9A-Za-z] RS> got it working by adding config path to the script.. I have an "export RS> FIDOCONFIG=/etc/ftn/config" in .bashrc is that not sufficient? It should be sufficient. It looks like the environment is stripped. You may check it by printing the FIDOCONFIG variable before calling hpt: echo "$FIDOCONFIG" > test.txt; /usr/local/bin/hpt toss afix Put that in a script and mention its name in your binkd config exec your_script /mystic/echomail/in/*.[STFWMstfwm][ouaherOUAHER][0-9A-Za-z] If there is nothing in test.txt, then the value of FIDOCONFIG is lost and you must specify the config path. Michael .... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042) .