Subj : dlo To : Chad Adams From : Rick Smith Date : Fri Mar 22 2024 06:54 am Hello Chad! Wednesday March 20 2024 16:05, you wrote to Wilfred van Velzen: CA> So is this typically an issue with a remote server? And after a time CA> it will resolve itself to start working. I am not sure what in my CA> binkd config would cause a hld and it only seems to happen on CA> one node. CA> -Nugax Try polling that node manually, see if that reveals clues. Also depending on your tosser/packer you could set a specific node for hold so that it would have to pick up mail instead of binkd delivering it.. Thats what I understand anyhow. Regards, Rick .... It was good BBSing with you @F --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Awesome Net- Oregon FTN Hub - (1:105/81) .