Subj : Re: My First Computers To : Daryl Stout From : Ron Lauzon Date : Wed Mar 17 2021 08:54 am The first computer I used was a TRS-80 Model I Level II (It had been upgraded from Level I and had RAM added). My dad brought it home from his school for the summer. My school system had Commodore PETs, so I spend plenty of time on those too. But the first computer I actually owned was a Sperry HT. IBM-XT clone, but ran at about double the clock speed. My college offered them on a payment plan for students. Upgraded the RAM (to a full 640K!) and added a Hercules Monochrome Graphics card to it. .... Took an hour to bury the cat. Silly thing kept moving... === MultiMail/Linux v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32 * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS - (1:275/89) .