Subj : what's classic now? To : All From : Stan Hosdar Date : Sat Jun 26 2021 06:45 pm so it's 2021.. i dug up a IBM 365ED laptop, a modem, dialing up into this bulletin board that I discovered is a FIDONET hub.. and here I am while I think this is better in the DOS/WIN95 subs, but is this considered classic? I've been learning more and more about computer history, and im inrtigued how much CP/M (and DOS) have borrowed fro the PDP-11, my minicomputer eperience is next to nill with them having been largely abandoned in places where I could play with them... (save for a VT-100 terminal or an old teletype / printer that we used in CS class) cheers all - Steve Host Guelph Ontario CANADA --- Renegade vY2Ka2 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426) .