Subj : Re: what's classic now? To : Steve C From : Stan Hosdar Date : Wed Jun 30 2021 09:03 pm SC> I think what is *classic* depends on when/what the individual cut their tee SC> on. For me anything <= 486 is classic (although that's edging up to the fi SC> gen Pentiums these days). There are kids today that think a P4 is classic, SC> and then there's the old greybeards that don't consider it classic unless i SC> drew 10KW and used paper tape. At work, two years ago, a new CNC showed up..... with OS/2 Warp for a HMI.... seriously... no one knows os/2 anymore and I didn't even use it when dabbling in win95, DOS, etc.... so I have had to learn it. Machine is from 1999.. os/2 is clearly in the classic era of GUI experimentation... woo drag and drop... i'm considered old beause i grew up on DOS.... and it's layered variants.. to me the classic era is the early OS era, 8 bit micrcomputers, and minicomputer era... minicomputers without CRT displays scare and confuse me... such a foreign concept but i'm genuinely intrigued.. --- Renegade vY2Ka2 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426) .