Subj : PDP-11 OS expirience To : Fabio Bizzi From : Andrei Dzedolik Date : Fri Oct 15 2021 01:31 pm Greetings, traveler. FB> Telnet to , username guest, password luther, you can FB> login with "hello guest" :) Oh, that's nice! I'll give it a try (actially, already did), but guess need to read some manuals first as I couldn't make it beyond 'dir' :^) FB> For the references, I think that the best places are bitsavers, FB> , , FB>, Thanks a lot! This a pretty good starting point, will keep digging from there... FB> I'm writing a tutorial on my website , but FB> sorry, it's only in italian. :) Ah, so you won't mind if I bother you time to time when I'll come to running my rig, not just soldering it, would you? \aID --- Msged/ 6.1.2 * Origin: From the darkest cellar of the tower of Amon Sul (2:463/1331.1) .