Subj : Changes in echo rules To : All From : Sean Dennis Date : Fri Feb 18 2022 09:44 pm Hi everyone, I forgot to mention that I modified the echo rules a little. Since there are so many great projects to bring back clones of classic computers we all love, like the Amiga, ZX Spectrum, Color Computer, and several homebrewed Z80 systems, the discussion of these current systems is absolutely on-topic in here and highly encouraged to talk about! I follow several different computer hobbyist groups on Facebook and it is absolutely amazing to me to see such dedication to these old systems being brought back to life with modern know-how. I am not smart enough to do that myself but I enjoy reading about them. I don't know if I ever made this clear but emulators for old systems is on-topic in here also. Just a quick clarification. :) I have been busy moving my BBS from OS/2 to Devuan Linux so I have been rather quiet in the echoes lately. -- Sean CLASSIC_COMPUTER Moderator .... I told my carpenter not to carpet my steps. He gave me a blank stair. --- MultiMail/Linux * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200) .