Subj : Re: Changes in echo rules To : Ron Lauzon From : Tristan Greaves Date : Sun Feb 20 2022 04:47 pm Re: Re: Changes in echo rules By: Ron Lauzon to Mike Powell on Sun Feb 20 2022 11:24 am RL> I'm by no means an expert, but I have restored several systems to working RL> condition. And learned a great deal along the way. This is certainly a 'hole in my arsensal', as it were. Soldering is just not my thing (yet). Hence the idea of recapping motherboards and so on (The Amiga is notorious for requiring this) is beyond me. Thankfully, there are professionals who do this as a service out there. See also: Pinball machines and keeping those running well! Tristan. --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: Extricate BBS - (2:250/11) .