Subj : Re: Great! To : Sean Dennis From : Daryl Stout Date : Tue Feb 22 2022 02:00 pm Sean, SD> As a side note, I am an amateur radio operator also--my callsign is SD> KS4TD. I am also moderator of the HAM echo. Ham radio and computers go SD> together like a hot day and a cold drink. :D That's for sure...I'm amazed at how many classic computers I'd see at the hamfest flea markets. There isn't much market for viruses with the classic TRS-80 MC-10 or a Model 100. Daryl, WX4QZ .... Vuja De - When you feel like this has never happened before. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33) .