Subj : Cooking Basics #2 To : Daryl Stout From : Dave Drum Date : Mon Feb 28 2022 04:46 am -=> Daryl Stout wrote to Dave Drum <=- DS> Dave, DD> C'mon over to the cooking echo - we got LOTS more. And even better DD> ones. DS> That's what Sean Dennis said. If one could get fat by reading DS> recipes, my BMI would be in the stratosphere!! We're a pretty friendly bunch - with a common interest in feeding our faces. We're even had "eats" in there before - who seldom/never cooked anything. Without eats cooks would have no purpose. Bv)= .... "And that's the world in a nutshell, an appropriate receptacle." Stan Dunn --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12) .