Subj : Re: Cooking Basics #2 To : Dave Drum From : Sean Dennis Date : Tue Mar 01 2022 12:21 pm -=> Dave Drum wrote to Sean Dennis <=- DD> Micro$not handles competition better than Macintrash/Apple. Talk about DD> "nose in the air and back arched" attitude. They're all about "Show DD> me the $$$$" Apple didn't used to be that way but the bigger the company got, the worse it became. Once they quit using the Motorola 68000 CPU, I lost interest. DD> And to think that back-in-the-day I lusted for an Apple II because it DD> had *color*. Then Commode Door came out with the Vic-20. Bv)= My first computer with color was, interestingly enough, a TRS-80 Color Computer 2. That was the computer I taught myself BASIC on. I rarely use BASIC now, instead preferring Pascal, BASH scripting, or REXX scripts, but I can still whip out a program if needed. I have Microsoft BASIC PDS around here somewhere. -- Sean .... How do they get deer to cross the road only at those yellow signs? --- MultiMail/Linux * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200) .