Subj : Hamming To : Ray Quinn From : Dave Drum Date : Sat Mar 05 2022 05:01 am -=> Ray Quinn wrote to Dave Drum <=- DD> I dunno about other states - but Illinois allows using your call sign DD> as your vehicle licence number. I do note some of those around my DD> area. RQ> California is one, as I believe most do, if not all. It doesn't cost RQ> any extra annually like the personalized ones. I have my call as my RQ> license plates on my GMC pickup. My wife is disabled and in California RQ> the weight fees are waived for a DP plate, but they cannot be combined, RQ> DP and HAM. Illinois is the same WRT the "ham" plates. Dunno if they can be combined w/ the wheelchair symbol or not. DD>> Nancy was a neat lady - who used to come to Cooking Echo picnics RQ> I do remember her, but only by name. I don't recall any interaction RQ> with her, but do remember seeing her name atop many messages over the RQ> years (Since 1990, or so). She was prolific. RQ> 73 Ray Quinn W6RAY RQ> Visalia, CA DM06ii You've been at this for a bit, I can see. When I got my licence District 9 was out of "W" designators and had started on "K". I really wanted to have one of those "grandfather letter" licences. Bv)= Now I note that they're using two letters prefixes. Last night I commented on a customer's ham plate - W9 RAY. Asked him if the Funny Candy Company was doing "vanity" call signs. He told me his name is Bill. Then said he had been friends another ham who had W9 BIL. But the FCC wouldn't let them swap. Bv)= .... I invest in stocks, mostly beef; I'm wanting to be a bouillionaire. --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12) .