Subj : Hamming To : Dave Drum From : Ray Quinn Date : Sat Mar 05 2022 08:04 am Hello Dave! 05 Mar 22 05:01, you wrote to me: DD> -=> Ray Quinn wrote to Dave Drum <=- RQ>> 73 Ray Quinn W6RAY RQ>> Visalia, CA DM06ii DD> You've been at this for a bit, I can see. When I got my licence DD> District 9 was out of "W" designators and had started on "K". I really DD> wanted to have one of those "grandfather letter" licences. Bv)= Now I DD> note that they're using two letters prefixes. DD> Last night I commented on a customer's ham plate - W9 RAY. Asked him DD> if the Funny Candy Company was doing "vanity" call signs. He told me DD> his name is Bill. Then said he had been friends another ham who had W9 DD> BIL. But the FCC wouldn't let them swap. Bv)= Mine is indeed a vanity call. My original call was KF6KMY, issued in April 1997. When W6RAY was made available, I snagged it. The previous possessor was/is named George Palmer from Parumph, NV, and had been available for a very short time when I applied for it. It had been invalid for slightly over two years in 2007. The FCC removed the Morse Code requirement and I took my General class test the very next day. By the end of the month, I had applied and was granted the vanity call. I was a Technician Plus for about 24 hours. In 1997, there was still the Novice class, so I had to take the Novice test AND the Technician test. My friend Scott took the tests the same day. His call is (still) KF6KMX. In a previous message, you mentioned you are more into computers (confusers) than radio. I am responsible for three DSTAR gateways, a packet BBS (currently offline), and multiple 5 gHz microwave links (for the aforementioned DSTAR gateways), along with computer controlling my radios - I can sit in my living room and talk on my radio in the "shack". I started my first BBS on a C=64 with two floppy drives and a 300 bps modem, then on a 128 along with my brother. I still have my first 9600 bps Practical Peripherals modem that was in service 30 years ago. My first Fidonet node number was 1:205/222, then 205 was broken up and was 1:214/222, then, and still, 1:214/22. I found a copy of the first nodelist I was in in 1990 or 91. Oh WOW. Sorry for the rambling. Any way, you can combine more than one hobby together and have some real fun. 73 Ray Quinn Visalia, CA DM06ii --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Ham Radio operators do it with frequency! (1:214/23) .