Subj : On-topic To : Sean Dennis From : Ray Quinn Date : Sat Mar 05 2022 08:30 am Hello Sean! 05 Mar 22 11:16, you wrote to all: SD> Hello All, SD> While I enjoy the traffic in here, please move all of the amateur SD> radio chat over to HAM and let's stick to being on-topic in here, SD> please. Apologies! I realized that after I sent my post and couldn't figure out how to edit the post to at least add some on-topic content. I did, however, in my followup message (which was sent moments before I downloaded this one...). I was just remembering back to when I borrowed a Commodore Plus 4 from a friend just to call local BBSes in the late 1980's. I don't remember much about it, but I believe the plastic case was about the size of my keyboard today and the same color - black. My first non-Commodore PC was an 8/12 mHz IBM compatible with about 1 mb RAM. I don't remember whether or not it had a hard drive at first. The first hard drive that wasn't a hand-me-down was a 100 mb that cost about $350.00 circa 1991. It wasn't MFM or RLL, but was IDE. If memory serves correctly, I remember changing my HD controller from MFM to RLL and got more storage space, or something to that effect. SD> ... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message. For some of us, it is such a short trip... Ray --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Ham Radio operators do it with frequency! (1:214/23) .