Subj : Re: Hamming To : Dave Drum From : Daryl Stout Date : Mon Mar 07 2022 09:43 pm Dave, DD> It's probably like the bumper on my old Beemer - a plastic cover. So, I DD> use the magnetic stickers on the trunk. Which makes them closer to DD> "line of sight" level - And they remove cleanly without me needing to DD> go down the AutoZone for a bottle of "Goo Gone" adhesive remover. With my luck lately (if it weren't for bad, I'd have none), when I get a glaucoma check next month, if they determine it's too dangerous for me to drive, and I'll have to sell the car, and turn in my license. The Post Office apparently lost the cellphone I bought when switching from Verizon to Consumer Cellular, to save $75 a month. They have lost so much mail to/from me, that it's not even funny...and I tell medical facilities that "if you won't take an over the phone payment, you won't get your money". People were stealing stuff out of my home mailbox, and off my front porch, so I got a Post Office Box. But, if I can't get to it (no transportation), it does me no good. Well, if I have to pay another huge fee for a phone, I'm going to tell Consumer Cellular "forget it"...and once my Verizon service dies, I'll no longer be reachable via telephone. Next (the way my luck is going), the computers and internet will fail, which will kill the BBS (not to mention my involvement with ham radio and square dancing)...then if I have had to get rid of the car (as noted above), I'll be stuck at home, with no way to communicate with the outside world, no way to get groceries or medications, and basically will become an isolated hermit, and just sleep all day. The hobbies aren't even a diversion anymore. It has gotten so bad that I'm on a self imposed bland diet of just wheat bread and butter, with lemonade koolaid, so I can take my meds. I may have a roof over my head, plus a place to sleep...and still be on this side of the grass. But, the only golden thing about "the golden years" is the color of your urine. It looks like for the second year in a row, my birthday week will be an absolute disaster...where I'll just cry nonstop for a week, and not answer any phone calls, email, etc. -- telling folks "I'm burned out", and disappear for awhile. Folks are likely sick and tired of hearing me whine, complain, and bitch...but no one will put themselves in my shoes. I hold the greedy politicians in Washington (who lament they can't survive on $250,000+ a year) in utter contempt. Needless to say, I'm not a happy camper right now. I'm long overdue for something good to happen to me...but lately, I feel that I'm cursed. Daryl .... The sign said Stop Look Listen ... and while I did the train hit me. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33) .