Subj : Re: Aging Out was:Hamming To : Dave Drum From : Daryl Stout Date : Tue Mar 08 2022 02:12 pm Dave, DD> That sounds like a song lyric. I'm not sure if you're having the Ray DD> Charles bad luck or the Roy Clark and Buck Owens bad luck. DD> DD> Yeah, it's the one from Hee Haw. DD> Can you still see well enough to shoot? That'll put a stop to that. I don't have a firearm...the last time I handled a gun was 45 years ago, in taking a Hunters Safety Course. The phone was supposed to be here didn't arrive in Little Rock until today. But, the way they do mail with the Post Office Box, I can't pick it up until tomorrow...which is just as's raining outside now, and the streets are wet...never mind folks think they can stop just as fast on a wet, snowy, or icy pavement, as they can on dry. DD> Doncha have a phone line for the confuser? Or, if you're on cable (as I DD> am until I can shine $cumCa$t on by hooking into the fibre network) DD> most of them offer home phone service. Or, if youse have got Ma Bell - DD> dig out your old 9600 baud U.S. Robotics modem and your PC Board DD> software and soldier on. I've supposedly got a line with Xfinity, but I can't get a dial tone. I don't have AT&T...they did my Mom dirty with DSL years ago...and apparently, it's not the first time this has happened. DD> Not if you're on a "pee pill". (Voice of experience) Been there, done that. It's more like "mountain spring water clear" when you're on a diuretic. I have the potential to become type 2 diabetic, but my next blood work isn't set for July. When I was hospitalized 3 years ago to remove some bladder stones, they gave me Lasix, and several pitchers of ice water. I thought I was going to pee my pecker off every 5 minutes. I told the nurses "better bring at least a half dozen portable urinals". I was filling them up in 30 minutes time. DD> I don't have birthdays any more - Just anniversaries of my "Jack Benny" DD> The next one will be the 41st anniversary. Bv)= My work is planning DD> a surprise party - but, since I know about it I'm planning to call-off DD> that day. Bv)= Jack Benny?? As much of a frugal cheapskate as he was?? We use to have to worry about "birthday spankings", if it was a good looking female, the way I'm going, I might be amenable to that. Remember, dirty old Sysops need love, too. DD> They said "Cheer up, things could be worse!" So, I cheered up and sure DD> as hell - things got worse! Exactly. DD> "A cheapskate won't tip a waitress. I'm just careful with my money." Here are 3 tips to give when they ask for one: 1) Plant your corn early. 2) Keep your powder dry. 3) Always have clean underwear on. The latter is the most important. Daryl .... They stopped too soon with 6 Up and Preparation G. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33) .