Subj : Aging Out was:Hamming To : Daryl Stout From : Dave Drum Date : Wed Mar 09 2022 06:18 am -=> Daryl Stout wrote to Dave Drum <=- DD> That sounds like a song lyric. I'm not sure if you're having the Ray DD> Charles bad luck or the Roy Clark and Buck Owens bad luck. DD> DD> DS> Yeah, it's the one from Hee Haw. DD> Can you still see well enough to shoot? That'll put a stop to that. DS> I don't have a firearm...the last time I handled a gun was 45 years DS> ago, in taking a Hunters Safety Course. My "Hunter's Safety Course" consisted of my Granddad telling me "Don't point it at anything you don't intend to shoot. And don't shoot it at anything you don't intend to kill." DS> The phone was supposed to be here didn't arrive in DS> Little Rock until today. But, the way they do mail with the Post Office DS> Box, I can't pick it up until tomorrow...which is just as's Supply chain issues. I tried to buy a new "big screen" monitor from Best Buy ... and it got backordered for three weeks before they finally woke up and cancelled the order. About the time that B.B. 86ed the back order Dell sent me a flyer with the *perfect* monitor (I thought) for my purpose. I finally called and talked to a CSR whose first language was not English after three missed "estimated delivery dates". Apparently my new monitor may still be floating on a boat outside San Pedro (CA) harbour. So I arranged for a substitute at the same (really good) price. It finally showed up yesterday - after missing only one estimated date. Then it didn't have a VGA port. RATZ - and small mice. Time to play "musical monitors". After finding out I only have one confuser modern enough to have an HDMI output. DS> raining outside now, and the streets are wet...never mind folks think DS> they can stop just as fast on a wet, snowy, or icy pavement, as they DS> can on dry. From riding motorcycles for 65 years I've developed the habit of drivihg all of the cars around me and thinking "What's the dumbest thing this Bozo could do?" Ten times out of nine I'll be proven right. But, fore warned is fore armed. Bv)= DD> Doncha have a phone line for the confuser? Or, if you're on cable (as I DD> am until I can shine $cumCa$t on by hooking into the fibre network) DD> most of them offer home phone service. Or, if youse have got Ma Bell - DD> dig out your old 9600 baud U.S. Robotics modem and your PC Board DD> software and soldier on. DS> I've supposedly got a line with Xfinity, but I can't get a dial tone. At the prices the $sumCa$t (Xfinity) charge they should be Johnny-on-the- spot with service calls/technicians. I've got internet service only with them and it's north of U$88/month. I shudder to think what it wouold be ig I was addicted to the Glass Teat as some of my friends are. DS> I don't have AT&T...they did my Mom dirty with DSL years ago...and DS> apparently, it's not the first time this has happened. I always had good luck with AT&T. I'd still have their DSL if I hadn't sold my Redneck McMansion and moved from the trailer park into a real house. Me and AT&T have gotten along since the days of me running a C=64 with a TotalTel 300 baud modem. I was having a line noise and "cross- talk" problem - and I knew it was caused by bad joints in the wire and wet lines. But AT&T said "You're not paying for a data line." So, I told them I'd just hook 220v across their "pair" and blow every bad connection between me and the central station. Couple days later I got a call from Customer Service saying they had checked the lines and could find no problem. But, y'know the problem went away - and I've never had a problem with them since. DD> Not if you're on a "pee pill". (Voice of experience) DS> Been there, done that. It's more like "mountain spring water clear" DS> when you're on a diuretic. I have the potential to become type 2 DS> diabetic, but my next blood work isn't set for July. When I was DS> hospitalized 3 years ago to remove some bladder stones, they gave me DS> Lasix, and several pitchers of ice water. I thought I was going to pee DS> my pecker off every 5 minutes. I told the nurses "better bring at least DS> a half dozen portable urinals". I was filling them up in 30 minutes DS> time. I know the words to that song. I *am* a Type 2. DD> I don't have birthdays any more - Just anniversaries of my "Jack Benny" DD> The next one will be the 41st anniversary. Bv)= My work is planning DD> a surprise party - but, since I know about it I'm planning to call-off DD> that day. Bv)= DS> Jack Benny?? As much of a frugal cheapskate as he was?? We use to The cheapskate was as much an act as being only 39 years old. In reality he was known for his generosity. Bv)= DS> have to worry about "birthday spankings", if it was a good DS> looking female, the way I'm going, I might be amenable to that. DS> Remember, dirty old Sysops need love, too. Never been into B&D. To me "no pain" means no pain. DD> They said "Cheer up, things could be worse!" So, I cheered up and sure DD> as hell - things got worse! DS> Exactly. DD> "A cheapskate won't tip a waitress. I'm just careful with my money." DS> Here are 3 tips to give when they ask for one: DS> 1) Plant your corn early. DS> 2) Keep your powder dry. DS> 3) Always have clean underwear on. DS> The latter is the most important. That would be tough for me I've been going "commando" for at least the past 30 years. Bv)= .... "To err is human - to really foul things up you need a computer" Paul rlich --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12) .