Subj : Re: Aging Out was:Hamming To : Dave Drum From : Daryl Stout Date : Wed Mar 09 2022 03:15 pm Dave, DD> My "Hunter's Safety Course" consisted of my Granddad telling me "Don't DD> point it at anything you don't intend to shoot. And don't shoot it at DD> anything you don't intend to kill." I never was a fan of hunting. My brother used to, until he suffered that freak motorcycle wreck 3 months after my wife died 15 years ago. He lives in the rural part of western Pulaski County in a mobile home, and one day, there was a deer outside. So, here goes "the big brave naked deer hunter" outside. He is so bummed up now from that wreck that he can barely get around...although he goes out every day to dine with friends (and spend money on food, beer, and tobacco). I usually eat at home, and have been on a bland diet of wheat bread with butter, and lemonade koolaid for a week. The way the Post Office email was worded, it looked as if the cellphone had been stolen. But, it was in a bigger lockbox for me to get at the Post Office earlier today. After putting $46 of gasoline in the car at $4.20 a gallon, I went to eat lunch at the restaurant where my lady friend works. She had sustained a severe sprain and ankle injury playing basketball, and had a boot on her right foot. It was the first solid food meal I had eaten in a week. DD> It finally showed up yesterday - after missing only one estimated date. DD> Then it didn't have a VGA port. RATZ - and small mice. Time to play DD> "musical monitors". After finding out I only have one confuser modern DD> enough to have an HDMI output. I have multiple monitors here, one with HDMI...and I use a utility called Display Viewer, to move stuff between the two. DD> From riding motorcycles for 65 years I've developed the habit of DD> drivihg all of the cars around me and thinking "What's the dumbest DD> thing this Bozo could do?" Ten times out of nine I'll be proven right. Sounds like a sign I saw on a restaurant across from Kyle Field in College Station, Texas..."10 out of 9 Aggies prefer to eat here". DD> At the prices the $sumCa$t (Xfinity) charge they should be DD> Johnny-on-the- spot with service calls/technicians. I've got internet DD> service only with them and it's north of U$88/month. I shudder to think DD> what it wouold be ig I was addicted to the Glass Teat as some of my DD> friends are. Well, at least the new phone is in, the apps have been migrated over (thanks to a home Wi-Fi), and I'm just waiting for a callback to get it activated. DD> Couple days later I got a call from Customer Service saying they had DD> checked the lines and could find no problem. But, y'know the problem DD> went away - and I've never had a problem with them since. Every time there was a power outage or thunderstorm, the DSL modem got fried. My Mom had no phone, 911, or internet service. So, I came over to her place (mine now, after her death over 2 1/2 years ago) as her computer guru, and called them on my cellphone. When I told them I wanted to speak to a supervisor, they hung up on me...I was furious!! So I redialed, and put it on speakerphone (my Mom was in the room with me), and when they said "this call may be recorded for training purposes", I said "It damn sure better be for the s*** I just went through". They were going to make a 90 year old woman WAIT 2 WEEKS to get a new DSL modem...and after I raised hell about it, they got a technician out the next day. When I told him what happened, he exploded...saying "there is no excuse for that, and this isn't the first time they did it". He gave us a new DSL modem, plus his private cellphone number...and said "If the DSL modem dies again, CALL ME. Either I myself, or one of my team will be out here within 24 hours to fix it!!". I was praying down blessings on him and his family. I apologized to my Mom for cussing in front of her, and she said "I can't say that I blame you...I heard every word". Even she was appalled at the poor treatment I was given. DD> I know the words to that song. I *am* a Type 2. There is a new deal, I think called DexCom...where your endocrinologist has to approve it, but you have this sensor taped to your body. Then, you use a cellphone app to monitor your Hemoglobin A1C, and blood glucose more pricking your fingers, or having to buy lancets or the alcohol swabs. DD> The cheapskate was as much an act as being only 39 years old. In DD> reality he was known for his generosity. Bv)= On one show, Mel Blanc (the voice of the Looney Tunes) did "an electronic organ". The entire studio audience was roaring in raucous laughter, and Jack's lips were quivering for all he was worth, in trying NOT to laugh. Another great routine is the one with "Si, Cy, and Sue". DD> Never been into B&D. To me "no pain" means no pain. I mentioned to a ham radio operator that I was "tied up" on certain days with other commitments, and he came back with "I didn't know that you were into bondage". To which, I busted out laughing, and replied "Touche'". The ham radio operators use ITU (International Telecommunications Union) phonetics for their callsigns, to make it easier to understand. I tell fellow hams "to use ITU phonetics on nets, but have a set of alternate, cutesy phonetics handy...or these jokers will pick them for you". One new ham in the area, has the callsign suffix YZP -- and a fellow ham said it stood for "Your Zipper Protruding". His reply was "Well Played, Sir". DD> They said "Cheer up, things could be worse!" So, I cheered up and sure DD> as hell - things got worse! DS> The latter is the most important. DD> That would be tough for me I've been going "commando" for at least the DD> past 30 years. Bv)= I do that at nature is a call you can't leave to the answering machine...and I don't want to have to rush to get the clothes off. My late wife had one cardinal rule: "Leave The Toilet Seat Down!!". I grew up with a brother, and didn't know that "women had to sit for everything, and it took them forever and a day to get ready". If I forgot that rule, my wife would spit at me like a mad kitty...nothing more needed to be said...I knew I was guilty. DD> ... "To err is human - to really foul things up you need a computer" Watch me muck up this REP packet. Daryl .... A computer's attention span is only as long as its power cord. === MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33) .