Subj : PDP-11 Articles To : ALL From : Mike Powell Date : Tue Mar 15 2022 04:59 pm As these have been recently discussed here... I was checking out this morning, and they had linked a couple of articles related to the PDP-11. The first gives a brief history of the machine, its assembly language, and its architecture, calling it the "most influential minicomputer of all time." The second article is about running UNIX v6 in an emulator on modern equipment by writing your own device drivers. The article mentions that this version of UNIX was developed in 1975 on a PDP-11 machine. I thought some of you that are currently attempting to emulate PDP series machines might find these interesting. Mike * SLMR 2.1a * So it goes so it goes so it goes so it goes so... --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105) .