Subj : R.I.P. John Roach To : Sean Dennis From : Dave Drum Date : Fri Mar 25 2022 06:02 am -=> Sean Dennis wrote to Dave Drum <=- DD> John Roach, Pioneer of the Personal Computer, Is Dead at 83 SD> Mr. Roach helped change the world. My first and favorite computer was SD> my brand-new TRS-80 CoCo 2 my parents bought new in 1984 for me. Sadly SD> it was stolen but I hope to acquire another CoCo 2 eventually. Never owned any of his products with the exception of the TRaSh-80. I did, however , work on a Tandy 1000 running Unix that was the main box for Family Video - a chain of video rental stores that survived to be the last remaining physical video rental operation in USA. They used to 1000 well into the first decade of this century. It was sort of amazing to know that this fairly major company was being coordinated by a wood fired, steam powered computer. Bv)= .... The key to eating healthy: don't eat any food that has a TV commercial --- MultiMail/Win * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200) .