Subj : Bottm Line was:R.I.P. John Roach To : Ron Lauzon From : Dave Drum Date : Sun Mar 27 2022 06:26 am -=> Ron Lauzon wrote to Dave Drum <=- -=> Dave Drum wrote to Ron Lauzon <=- RL> When it works and works well, if there's no need, why change it? DD> To claim "new and improved" and to enhance your bottom line. Bv)= RL> That doesn't work when your customers have to spend many thousands of RL> dollars to vet and change their software. Which doesn't showtheir bottom lines much benefit but does yours a world of good. Most profits these days are a result of marketing hype anyway. .... Apple doesn't grow. It metastasizes!!!! --- MultiMail/Win * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200) .