Subj : my new (old) 486 To : All From : Rob McGee Date : Fri Feb 10 2023 06:29 am I have the following retro PC currently being shipped: Fingers crossed that it makes its way to me safely. My first PC ever was a 486sx 25 that i later upgraded with a Cyrix 486-100. I don't want to say what i did with it years later as it makes me sad/mad :/ Looking forward to some 486 era gaming and i'll also install a spitfire bbs just to get the init strings working so it says "waiting for call". One of the first upgrads I'm going to do is to replace the badge on the case from this place Anyone else have a early era PC? Please share the specs and what your doing with it if so. Long live the retro! --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 * Origin: The X-Bit BBS - - Forest Grove, Or (1:105/44) .