Subj : Re: Today in History - 1 To : Dave Drum From : Sean Dennis Date : Wed Aug 09 2023 08:45 pm -=> Dave Drum wrote to Mike Powell <=- DD> Python is a "scripting" language which I never messed with. Point of order: Python can also be compiled. DD> was all aRexx - which could get as convoluted as Basic sometimes. I use Classic REXX (can be compiled under OS/2) and bash scripts all the time under ArcaOS. My BBS and Micronet couldn't function properly without them! I could write Pascal programs to do the work but that would add a lot of unneeded overhead to all of those automated tasks. I learned UCSD Pascal on a TRS-80 Model III in 1987 and still use Pascal (Borland syntax) to this day. I could learn to write in C--I can read C programs due to my Pascal background--but I have found that for me other languages suit me better. Though I am interested in learning to compile the elist COBOL code. I've always had an interest in COBOL but never have had time to sit down and learn it. That time might have finally arrived. -- Sean .... Why is "abbreviated" such a long word? ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Outpost BBS - (1:18/200) .