Subj : Today in History - 1 To : Candy Cane From : Dave Drum Date : Wed Aug 16 2023 06:42 am -=> Candy Cane wrote to Dave Drum <=- DD> Oddly, they have set-up, at the headquarters complex a fully stocked DD> demo-store where they try out parts placement before they issue a new DD> plan-o-gram to all 7K+ stores. And the occasional faux-pas still gets DD> published. And is corrected later. CC> Oh that sounds cool. Do you use real food? Only in the "impulse" section or at the checkout. It's not a big mover. Probably because when they see the prices they are paying for their car parts - all appetite disappears. Bv)= .... Suitable for mixed, slightly twisted, and confused company --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6 * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38) .