Subj : Re: Radio Shack Revival To : Dave Drum From : Candy Cane Date : Mon Sep 11 2023 08:56 am Re: Re: Radio Shack Revival By: Dave Drum to Candy Cane on Mon Sep 11 2023 04:58 am DD> Most of the customers for that model were either teenagers or young DD> adults and if you are an observer of society you'll realise that in DD> that age group things get new (often punnish or twisted) names in DD> common use. Rather like the Apple Macintosh was re-named as the DD> "Macintrash" Oh, so edgy teens called it the TRaSH and it stuck? Candy === user is generated from /dev/urandom ....Drop your carrier ...we have you surrounded! --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32 * Origin: -=[ | ConstructiveChaos BBS]=- (1:226/18) .