Subj : Re: Radio Shack Revival To : Kurt Weiske From : Dave Drum Date : Fri Sep 29 2023 05:14 am -=> Kurt Weiske wrote to Danny Bee <=- DB> I remember one in Downtown Seattle about 20 years ago. Nothing special. DB> just a small shop with various electronics for consumers. phones, DB> speakers, cameras. random choice showing this is all and nothing. Lots DB> of small shoppes around that were more focused. KW> I grew up in the late '70s and early '80s when Radio Shack was more KW> about electronics hobbies. I had a "Battery of the Month" club, KW> remember the excitement of being 11 or 12 and having a free KW> carbon-zinc D cell or 9v battery to make things with. :) When I was operating as Megabyte Computer Works I scored a nice counter top display for "regular" (C-Zn) batteries.. The deals were *very* good so I made a sign adverting the prices and a notation of "TOY NOT INCLUDED" KW> Over the years, the wall of electronic components gave way to cheap KW> electronic crap, and later to cell phones and accessories before they KW> closed. Proving once again that you should dance with who brought you to the party. Tandy's board couldn't make up their collective minds what they wanted Rat Shaft to be - so it wasn't much of anything. .... Money won't buy happiness. But it will buy bacon. ___ MultiMail/Win v0.52 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Outpost BBS - (1:18/200) .