Subj : Re: Radio Shack Revival To : Sean Dennis From : Dr. What Date : Sun Oct 08 2023 09:30 am -=> Sean Dennis wrote to Danny Bee <=- DB> So many negative nicknames can be read here refering to DB> RS.. seems that the brand disappointed heavily SD> No, these were just stupid pet names. The actual computers were built SD> quite well. Ya, everyone had their names. Commode-door. Chicken-lips. Rotten Apple. Crab Apple. I'm sure I can remember more if I think hard enough. BTW: I have a TRS-80 Model I Level I with 4K of RAM. I haven't done anything to it and it still fires up just fine. I also have a Model I Level II that I actually use. Other than reflowing old solder connections, it worked just fine too. The TRS-80 Model I was a collection of compromises. It sold WAYYY better than anyone expected. And Radio Shack tried their best to keep their customers happy. Remember that back in the 1970's and early 80's, Radio Shack was the #1 home computer seller. .... Today is a good day for you to jump in a lake. === MultiMail/Linux v0.52 --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32 * Origin: *The Gate BBS*Shelby, NC USA** (1:3634/27) .