Subj : Today in History - 1977 To : Dave Drum From : Ed Vance Date : Fri Feb 02 2024 03:04 pm Howdy Dave, A friend I met at Church got a TRS-80 Model 1. Earlier he played with an 1802 ELF (believe that's the name). When the COMMODORE C=64 came out, he bought one. One day he told me it wasn't much fun typing BASIC Code in, running it and when he finished with that PRG he would type NEW and all the time and energy it took to type that PRG in was gone as he typed in some other code he wanted to try out. I told him about the circuit I saw in Popular Electronics that used a 7414 IC, in between a Cassette Recorder and the C=64's Cassette Port to Save his Code, and to CLoad it back into his PC when he wished to use that program again. That Circuit worked very well for him...UNTIL I got my own C=64, VIC Modem 300 and 1541Floppy Disk Drive. The Modem had a program on a cassette tape and I wanted to put that program on a Disk. I asked him to bring the Circuit he built and his cassette recorder to my home so I could Load the program from the tape to Save it on a floppy disk (I bought a 2-pack of SSSD 5-1/4" disks for $2.00 when I got the Disk Drive at K-Mart). When my friend saw how quickly the File was Saved on the disk, compared to the much longer time it took to Load it to my COMMODORE 64, his jaw dropped and he bought a disk drive the next day. BTW, He let me play with his 1802 ELF board some time later to type in the Star Trek program on the HEX Keypad it had. Good Days back then. --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105) .