Subj : Today in History - 1977 To : Ed Vance From : Dave Drum Date : Sat Feb 03 2024 05:28 am -=> Ed Vance wrote to Dave Drum <=- EV> Howdy Dave, EV> A friend I met at Church got a TRS-80 Model 1. EV> Earlier he played with an 1802 ELF (believe that's the name). EV> When the COMMODORE C=64 came out, he bought one. The TRS-80 was my first "store bought" computer. It surely was a leap up from the SWTP kit I bought from the back pages of Mechanix Illustrated. That arrived as a circuit board and loose parts in a plastic baggie. The assembly instructions were mimeographed on a single sheet of rough paper. No KBD and certainly no storage. When it powered down there went what had been so laboriously entered via the DIP switches. EV> One day he told me it wasn't much fun typing BASIC Code in, running it EV> and when he finished with that PRG he would type NEW and all the time EV> and energy it took to type that PRG in was gone as he typed in some EV> other code he wanted to try out. When Radio Shack introduced the TRS-80 there was a substantial discount offered to Tandy stockholders. So, off I went to Shearson-Lehman to buy 10 shares. I saved the price of those shares with the discount. They never paid a dividend but the company would split the stock when its price hit a certain point. And when Tandy startede a new company I got some shares in that. By the time I sold out I had over 200 shares of Tandy and holdings in two start-ups. Part of that money bought my first Amiga 2000. EV> I told him about the circuit I saw in Popular Electronics that used a EV> 7414 IC, in between a Cassette Recorder and the C=64's Cassette Port to EV> Save his Code, and to CLoad it back into his PC when he wished to use EV> that program again. That Circuit worked very well for him...UNTIL I got EV> my own C=64, VIC Modem 300 and 1541Floppy Disk Drive. EV> The Modem had a program on a cassette tape and I wanted to put that EV> program on a Disk. EV> I asked him to bring the Circuit he built and his cassette recorder to EV> my home so I could Load the program from the tape to Save it on a EV> floppy disk (I bought a 2-pack of SSSD 5-1/4" disks for $2.00 when I EV> got the Disk Drive at K-Mart). When my friend saw how quickly the File I bought my C=64 after seeing a friend's VIC-20 with colour display. WOW! And the 1541 drive was only U$395.00. Later I picked up a Commodore PET 8032 with dual floppies and a printer - that looked like it might have been the model for the H.A.L. computers from 2001 A Space Odyssey. EV> was Saved on the disk, compared to the much longer time it took to Load EV> it to my COMMODORE 64, his jaw dropped and he bought a disk drive the EV> next day. BTW, He let me play with his 1802 ELF board some time later EV> to type in the Star Trek program on the HEX Keypad it had. EV> Good Days back then. The best thing about the good old days is that they're gone. Bv)= .... MS-DOS=suit & tie, Macintosh=cool shades, Amiga=high heels & leather --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12) .