Subj : Re: New Tandy Video To : Kurt Weiske From : Dave Drum Date : Sat Apr 13 2024 05:15 am -=> Kurt Weiske wrote to Sean Dennis <=- SD> You should recognize the keyboard I want: SD> ( KW> I like the black/white/gray look. Every time I haul out my Model M my KW> wife complains that it's too noisy - my office is just off the KW> family/tv room. I settled on a Logitech MX keys, feels like a solid KW> laptop keyboard with a little bit of travel. I really like the feel of the Keytronic boards. They're a dandy stand in for the Lexmarks that have gone to the recyclers. What I really like about the feel of the 'tronics is the variable stiffness so the keys typically pressed by the "pinky" finer take less p[ressure to contact than those pressed by the pointer and sign aling fingers. My last example got some water spilled on it and is waiting for me to "suck it up" and attempt repairs. Meanwhile my K540 logi(tech) is filling in. KW> ... Grape soda is the most effective hand sanitizer. SD> All this time I've been using Everclear... KW> When I was a kid in college spending summers near Lake Tahoe, we'd KW> drive over the stateline to Nevada and buy Everclear - Mix lemonade, KW> beer and Everclear, then drink it at 6000 feet elevation. Good times, I KW> think. I don't remember them too clearly. Party formula (from when I wore a younger man's clothes) MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Purple Jesus Punch Categories: Five, Beverages, Wine, Booze Yield: 1 Party 3 ga Carlo Rossi or Tavola Table - Wine 2 qt Cheap vodka 2 qt Everclear grain alcohol 6 l Seven-up or Sprite Mix in a 5 gallon water carboy. Dispense from a water cooler. Be careful. This tastes like Kool Aid but hits you in the back of your head with a velvet hammer. Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM .... You have my two cents worth - NOW, can I have my change? --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105) .