Subj : Terminal Emulators for DOS To : all From : phill cantu Date : Mon Apr 22 2024 12:26 pm So ive been working on some portable computing devices for MS-Dos and early win3x and win9x. two toshiba librettos a 20 and a 110ct and one of those ali express Book386 computers using off the shelf new legacy chips. anyways im looking for a DOS terminal emulator i used to have a few of them on my old 486DX4 desktop but i dont have that anymore. i had telix and a few others, i cant seem to find a download source for any of that on the internet. any one have the files they can share? im wanting to connect to BBS's using my Wifi Modem device that plugs in my serial ports on these mobile devices. .... A program is used to turn data into error messages. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/01/28 (Windows/32) * Origin: Black Flag (1:135/210) .