Subj : Re: Fake Moon Landings To : Ward Dossche From : Mike Miller Date : Sat Dec 16 2023 12:06 pm WD> Mike, MM>>MM> Did his wife ever divorce him? MM>> Ugh, sorry Ward, I meant to reply to the resident troll. WD> That's what I figured when I saw it ... shit happens ... WD> Which begs the question "If the troll happens, does it shit?" Yes. It's like a full septic truck being cracked open. MM>> I'm still getting used to using Aftershock. WD> Nice product. So far, so good. There are definely some things I miss that are in HotdogEd, but that just refuses to run on any phone I've owned in the last few years. --- AfterShock/Android 1.7.5 * Origin: South of Heaven - Chaos rampant, an age of distrust (1:154/30.1) .