Subj : Amsterdam To : ALL From : Lee Lofaso Date : Wed Feb 14 2024 02:01 am Hello Everybody, Bill Maher called out several "liberal celebrities" who "swear they'll go if a Republican is elected" (and no one ever does). Here is his latest (updated) list - * Lena Dunham * Cher * Snoop Dogg * Bryan Cranston * Susan Sarandon * Whoopi Goldberg * Chelsea Handler * Barbra Streisand * Miley Cyrus * Eddie Griffin * George Lopez Bill Maher is also convinced Taylor Swift can 'swing the election' - without naming which candidate she will be supporting but a clear warning that MAGA people 'should be very careful' thus making sure the vote is not rigged in her favor (she is age 34, same as Kelce). But hey. This message is not about liberals who threaten to leave the USA if a Republican is elected - as those liberals are all talk and no action. Everybody nows that. Especially Madonna, who once threatened to blow up the White House, but was given a pass by the Secrat Service when convinced she was only like a virgin rather than the real thing. The question is, where would all these liberals go? What city would have them, or even consider having them? Bill Maher offered them all a bit of friendly advice - "And for your exile, if you do wind up in some comparatively luxurious place like Canada or Japan or the UK, not that they want you, at best you'll be trading a bunch of stuff you hate about this country for a bunch of stuff you'll soon hate about your new home. It took me only four days in Amsterdam to learn that while I admire Amsterdam, I don't want to live there! The buildings are cramped and shaped like needles, the food is awful, the TV is in a different language, it's wet and cold, the people are polite but cold, and they do a bunch of weird s---, the explanation for, according to my friend, was ‘Just remember, they’re high.'" ~ Bill Maher, talking about his experiences to Amsterdam There you go. Liberals have been warned. By the man himself. Better to go to Moscow, than to spend the rest of your days being high on Amsterdam. For Life, Lee -- GOP thinks banning guns won't elminate guns. GOP thinks banning abortion will elininate abortions. --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .