Subj : Amsterdam To : Ward Dossche From : Lee Lofaso Date : Wed Feb 14 2024 09:13 pm Hello Ward, LL>> There you go. Liberals have been warned. By the man himself. LL>> Better to go to Moscow, than to spend the rest of your days LL>> being high on Amsterdam. WD> Why are you so quiet about Geert Wilders now? "We hebben een serieus probleem." The fear of all mainstream parties in Dutch politics. The fact that all mainstream parties do not allow the formation of a government with a democratic mandate. In which case, fresh elections must be held. That is the way it works. Or supposed to work. Who are Dutch voters blaming for the current situation? Not Wilder, but Omtzigt. And if new elections are held, it will be a landslide. With Geert Wilders' party in full cotrol having an outright majority. I realize you do not want to believe a word of what I say. And that's okay. I understand. But even the math-impaired can count. And in this case, such counting is not difficult. You see, Geert Wilders has been playing this game for a very long time. And one of the things he has learned is how to count. If a new election is held, Geert Wilders' party will win even more seats than it has in the Dutch parliament. Which is 52 out of 150 as of now. What this means is Wilders' party is likely to get an outright majority if new elections are called. Can't happen? Won't happen? You do not understand the Dutch people. They know Geert. And Geert knows them. And all of them have a great understanding of each other. You see, Dutch voters are blaming Omtzigt, not Wilders, for the mess they are in. Ontzigt's party has lost almost half its support since the election - the same as for VDD (the party of Mark Rutte, the caretaker PM). Wilders' party has 52 seats, plus another 20 on the VPP, and maybe one or two more. That gives him almost an outright majority. Even without others on board. And before new elections would be called. That leaves the Reformed Political Party (SGP) holding the balance of power in Dutch politics. The Dutch Bible Belt. The only question that remains is do those bible-thumbers really want Geert Wilders as their god/prime minister? WD> Your predicted shit not happening either? The shit is about to hit the fan. If you think cartoonists in France were having fun ... For Life, Lee -- The first thing a cult does is claim that everyone else is lying to you. --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .