Subj : Amsterdam To : Kurt Weiske From : Lee Lofaso Date : Thu Feb 15 2024 03:04 am Hello Kurt, LL>> Bill Maher called out several "liberal celebrities" who LL>> "swear they'll go if a Republican is elected" (and no one LL>> ever does). Here is his latest (updated) list - KW> Trump saying that if he lost the election "that's the last you'll hear from KW> me" was the capper of all celebrity posturing. Trump lost to a woman by over three million votes in 2016. Trump then went on to lose to a senile old man by over seven million votes in 2020. And now he says he wants to do it all over again, in a rematch with the same old coot he lost to last time. Maybe the both of them are senile having forgotten who and what they are. KW> Maybe a better poll would be to see which sysops are moving to zone 2 if KW> Trump is elected again. With Geert Wilders poised to take over as Prime Minister of the Netherlands, that might not be a wise move by some sysops. Especially Muslim sysops who own copies of the Quran. But we are talking about Trump, not the Quran (holy or not). To remind you once again (we are all getting senile in our old age) - Trump has never won an election to any office, being a two-time loser. Will he make it three in a row? Or will the USSC grant him a win, by recounting the votes amongst themselves, as they did in Bush v Gore (with GWB winning the election 5-4)? As can plainly be seen, Trump is right. He has been all along. Nobody wanted to believe him. And nobody (aside from a few MAGA fanatics) wants to believe him now. But it is all true. Trump is always right. Just like Il Duce. Now if only there were more sysops who could be found in Sicily ... For Life, Lee -- Fox News Slogan - Rich people paying rich people to tell middle class people to blame poor people. --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .