Subj : Amsterdam To : Terry Roati From : Lee Lofaso Date : Fri Feb 16 2024 02:05 am Hello Terry, TR> In Australia, we have complusory voting so no bitching later as the majority TR> spoke. We do have a preference voting system which 's pro's cand con's. There is no compulsory voting in the USA (that I know of). Some states in the past did, but very few. And that was years ago. Some states and local municipalities use a ranked preference method of voting, but no national elections, as each state conducts its own election for congress/POTUS in the way it sees fit. There is no minimum voting age, as each state or municipality is free to set whatever age it wants to. Except for the guarantee that all 18-year-olds be allowed to vote in congressional and presidential elections. What that means is that even babies can vote in the USA. That is how 16-year-old kids won election to the Newark, New Jersey school board, writing rules for other students to follow. For Life, Lee -- GOP thinks banning guns won't elminate guns. GOP thinks banning abortion will elininate abortions. --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .