Subj : Re: Amsterdam To : Kurt Weiske From : Ward Dossche Date : Tue Feb 20 2024 10:44 am KW> I look forward to trading American wasserbiers and the Pacific KW> coast IPAs oversaturating the market for a nice hand-pulled pint of KW> bitters. Or a proper Guinness, not some simulacrum brewed in Canada and KW> "imported" into the US. Those hand-pulled British 'beers' is probably why the English are so weird. I rate them higher than anything brewed in the Netherlands, the USA and for sure Canada. But not by that much. But a Guinness, now that is something else, especially the generically brewed in Ireland because they still use copper vats where-as the British Guinness (and the North American brewed at Coors) uses stainless steel (there is a taste difference). Once in Donegal Ireland I asked if they had Guinness on tap and I was nearly escorted out of the premisses. Alas, so you have never tasted the Trappist ales. I just drink the WestVleteren abbey's output. The friars there brew to sustain their monastic work ... not to make money ,,, and you need to pre-order and pre-pay. You need to be a registered customer, tell'm the make of the car you drive to pick-up the beer, the license-plate and the card used to pay. If any of these fail on pick-up day, you'll walk away empty-handed. These friars are not dumb, they control the market of their product, Tomorrow's an on-line sale ... KW> We're in dark days for beer over here. Even the cheap mexican beers that KW> were like American beer but better and cheaper are trying to position KW> themselves as "premium" beers. Just so you know Corona is no longer Mexican, but owned by a Belgian brewer. Perhaps that explains the better quality, but I think their clear-glass bottles are ridiculous. \%/@rd --- DB4 - 20230201 * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854) .