Subj : Re: Amsterdam To : Ward Dossche From : Kurt Weiske Date : Tue Feb 20 2024 08:50 am -=> Ward Dossche wrote to Kurt Weiske <=- WD> Those hand-pulled British 'beers' is probably why the English are so WD> weird. I rate them higher than anything brewed in the Netherlands, the WD> USA and for sure Canada. But not by that much. Yes, but the heart wants what the heart wants. Before IPAs took over the beer scene in the US, Red Hook made a passable ESB, and my local pub (next door, great venue for BBS gettogethers in the '90s) had Fullers ESB on tap. At one point in the '90s, I worked for a gaming company with offices in Hamburg, Paris, London and San Francisco. Our quarterly IT meetings were a *lot* of fun, save for the fact that one of my colleagues garnered a taste for Anchor Steam beer, and they couldn't find it anywhere in Europe. We did drink it at Bloom's, a bar in San Francisco a stone's throw from the Anchor Brewery. I think they were the first stop off the truck, as Anchor just tasted better there. .... The answers will be found in the logs. --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 * Origin: | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700) .