Subj : Re: Elections in 2024 To : Ward Dossche From : Carol Shenkenberger Date : Wed Feb 28 2024 02:08 pm Re: Re: Elections in 2024 By: Ward Dossche to Mickey on Wed Feb 28 2024 08:01 am > M>RQ> MM> The world was more dangerous when Obama was president and Biden i > M>RQ> MM> office right now. The world was a better place when Trump was in > M>RQ> MM> power. > > M>RQ> More people agree with you than you know... > > M> Millions apparently. Yikes. > > It is deplorable how many discussions are immediately reduced by Americans t > Biden/Trump-thing ... > > An example? High-oil prices? It's biden's fault ... No, oil is simply traded > a commodity, supply and demand. > > MM> The world was a better place when Trump was in power. > > "The world" is more than just the USA. 7 billion people in the world ... how > many in the USA? 200-250 million? > > \%/@rd > Actually it's more often folks NOT from the USA in my experience. You should see newsgroups for an eyeopener (grin). Fidonet is tame in comparison. xxcarol --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32 * Origin: SHENK'S EXPRESS (1:275/100) .